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Posted On December 22, 2010

Filed under Candies

Comments Dropped 64 responses

from from Mom’s cookbook, her comments

Divinity Centre:

2 cup granulated sugar

1/2 cup cold water

1/2 cup light corn syrup (Lily White if available)

2 egg whites

First of all make the Divinity centre as follows. Boil together the sugar, the cold water and the corn syrup to the hard ball stage (250F). (In damp weather you will need to cook the fudge to about 254F). Beat 2 egg whites at room temperature until stiff. Pour the syrup SLOWLY over the egg white, beating vigorously at intervals until cool. Put in greased cake tins. Let stand until cool (overnight), then roll it into rolls about 1.5 inches across and 3 to 4 inches long.

When the centres are rolled you can make the outside covering by melting caramels or use the following recipe:


1 can Eagle Brand Milk

1/2 cup butter

5 Tbsp. corn syrup

chopped nuts or pecan halves

Boil together the condensed milk, butter, and corn syrup. (I use a heavy pan, the pressure cooker, and an ASBESTOS PAD under it as this burns easily). Stir all the time until the candy reaches a temperature of 245F. Take off the heat, dip the fudge rolls in this mixture, then roll in chopped nuts or walnut or pecan halves.

I usually make 1.5 times as much centre mixture (3 egg whites, etc.) and double the outside mixture. (Note 10 Tbsp. = 3/4 cup)


Posted On December 19, 2010

Filed under Fudge

Comments Dropped 120 responses

Yummy, I can’t remember who sent this but boy, it’s good!   If it’s yours, please leave a comment.


3 cups sugar

3/4 cup margarine

1 can evaporated milk (160 mL)

pkg. semi sweet chocolate chips (175 g)

1 cup chopped nuts

1 tsp. vanilla

1 jar Kraft Marshmallow Cream (200 g)

Combine the sugar, margarine, and milk in an 8-cup saucepan. Bring to a rolling boil, stirring constantly. Continue boiling 5 minutes over medium heat, stirring constantly (the mixture scorches easily). Remove from the heat. Stir in the chocolate chips until melted. Add the marshmallow cream, nuts, and vanilla. Beat until well blended. Pour into a greased (13 by 9-inch) pan. Cool. Cut in squares.

Variation: Substitute 1-cup smooth or crunchy peanut butter for the chocolate pieces, omit the nuts

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