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from Mom
2 1/2 cups gran. sugar
1/2/cup white corn syrup
1/2/ cup water
2 egg whites
pinch salt
1 tsp. Vanilla
Combine sugar, corn syrup and water. Mix well.
Cook over low heat, stirring with a wooden spoon until sugar dissolves. Brush down crystals with dampened pastry brush. Boil to 260deg. on candy thermometer.
Beat egg whites with salt until stiff but not dry.
Take syrup from stove and let stand until bubbling ceases. Pour in slow steady stream over egg whites, beating all the time. Beat with electric mixer until fairly stiff.
Take off beater stand and beat by hand, using a wooden spoon, until mixture loses its gloss. Beat in vanilla. Pour into square pan and mark off into squares, or drop by tsp. On waxed paper, or push through cookie press.
2 1/3 cups sugar
1/2 cup maple syrup
2/3 cup corn syrup
1/4 cup water
1/4 tsp. Salt
Stir until dissolved and cook without stirring to 265 deg. Or hard ball.
Pour over 2 beaten egg whites that have been beaten until they hold their shape.
Mix and place in greased pan.
Spread with 2 squares melted choc. when cool.
SHORTBREAD (with rice flour)
4 oz. Flour( 1 cup)
2 oz. Rice flour (2 tbsp)
4 oz. Butter (1/2 cup)
2 oz. Berry sugar (1/4 cup)
Sift flour, rice flour and sugar into bowl. Add butter. Work in butter until like a short pastry.
Shape into rounds. Place on greased and papered pan.
Prick all over with fork. Place in 300 deg. Oven until lightly coloured, then reduce heat to 275deg. And bake until done. (Takes 1 hour or longer, depending on thickness of cake.)
2 cups butter
1 cup brown sugar
yolk of 1 egg
5 cups all purpose flour
Cream butter and sugar tog. Add egg yolk and stir well. Then add flour a little at a time until a consistency of putty. Roll out to 1/2 to 3/4 inch thick and prick with fork.
Bake at 325deg. Until firm or golden brown, about 30 min.